
We believe… 

Baptism is a sacrament, an external sign that contains and communicates sacred reality.


Water is life. As a sacred symbol in Baptism, water is a sign and seal of our grace-filled enfoldment in the Mystical Body of Christ.


In Baptism, we recognize and consent to the presence and action of the Divine Indwelling.


In Baptism, we receive New Life and the invitation to deepen our life-long transformation into the fullness of Christ.


In Baptism, we respond to Divine Love that weaves us into an ever-evolving tapestry of wholeness and participation, initiating us into a new identity, and harmonizing us to the way, the truth and the life of Christ.


We recognize…

Each person’s spiritual journey is unique and the love of God is infinite. We recognize all prior Baptisms and affirm that one Baptism is enough. We recognize some will wish to renew their Baptism as an expression of their desire for conscious union with the Living God. To help in this discernment, here is a brief summary of three options for Baptism offered at The Church of Conscious Harmony:


Infant Baptism acknowledges the child as God’s and proclaims the wish of the parents and the community to serve the spiritual unfoldment of the child. We bless and pray for the child and the parents.

Youth Baptism offers the young person an expanded engagement with the spiritual journey and a deeper understanding that he or she is a spiritual being, a part of the community of The Church of Conscious Harmony, and a participant in the Body of Christ. Youth Baptism offers the possibility of further opening the mind and the heart to the flame of God’s love.

Adult Baptism or renewal of Baptism, represents a deepening commitment to the spiritual journey and an expanded willingness to open to the presence and action of God in the totality of our life. We are invited to surrender our will to God, to die to the separate-self sense and to be raised to new life in Christ.


Generally, there is one adult and one youth Baptism class offered each year and held in the April-May time period. Refer to the Events page for announcements of when Baptism class is offered. Infant Baptism may be requested throughout the year by contacting the church office.