Work Partners

Work Partners

Work Partners are one-on-one relationships working ideally daily with another, supporting one another, setting daily aims, and holding one another accountable. There are prerequisites for having a Work Partner. If new to The Journey School, you may register to have a Work Partner and, after six months, you will be contacted and assigned a Work Partner, if it is still desired.

The primary purpose of the Work Partner relationship is to set aim each day, to report on one’s observations and struggles in daily life while on the spiritual journey, and to discuss one’s engagement with the weekly homework exercises. For more details select HERE.


+ What is a Work Partner relationship?
Work Partners are one-on-one relationships working ideally daily with another, supporting one another, setting daily aims, and holding one another accountable. Ter are prerequisites for having a Work Partner. If new to The Journey School, you may register to have a Work Partner and, after six months, you will be contacted and assigned a Work Partner, if still desired.
+ What do Work Partners talk about?
The primary purpose of the Work Partner relationship is to set aim each day, to report on one's observations and struggles in daily life while on the spiritual journey, and to discuss one's engagement with the weekly homework.
+ How long does this relationship last?
People who desire a Work Partner relationship are paired up by the Abbess early each year. The relationship continues for the rest of the year.
+ What is a time guideline for Work Partner interactions?
Work Partners agree to talk ideally each day, almost always by phone. Typical calls range from 10-20 minutes but might be longer or shorter depending on circumstances.
+ What are the prerequisites to have a Work Partner?
To qualify for a Work Partner relationship, one must be registered for The Journey School, have been receiving the weekly Journey School emails, and attending the Thursday evening class for at least six months. If new, you can indicate your desire for a Work Partner in your registration and you will be contacted in July.

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