The Eucharist

Values & Beliefs / The Eucharist

We Believe…

The Eucharist is the central Presence, teaching and sacrament at the Church. Our celebration of the Eucharist is the creation of a prayer, a wish, a context, an opening into community for God to interact with and feed the recipients through the sacred elements.

Jesus wasn’t changing the bread and wine; rather, as Christ He was claiming them – and claiming all creation at the same time. Through this sacrament, Jesus was revealing a pre-existing fact in a way to communicate it to His disciples.

The Eucharist is an opportunity to see ordinary matter in an extraordinary way.

The Eucharist has the power to open hearts, change minds, foster forgiveness, heal broken lives, dissolve separation, transform beings, and create conscious union.

The Eucharist invites us to perceive the mystery of Christ everywhere and in everything.

The Eucharist is an unbroken transmission of God’s love for us and Presence with us.

The impulse that Jesus transmitted through the bread and wine at the Last Supper is present in full in every celebration of the Eucharist.

You are what you eat. As we take in the Body of Christ, we become the Body of Christ. This is true at the material and the mystical levels of existence. Receive what you are to become (St. Augustine).