Service Opportunities

There are many ways to get involved and serve our spiritual community.

CCH provides resources and service opportunities for teens and adults.

We have four teams that serve once every four weeks, helping prepare for the Sunday Lectio and worship service and serve the Sunday Brunch at 9:00am and coffee fellowship at 11:30am.
+ Centering Prayer
Service opportunities include meal preparation, hospitality, tech support for online retreats and hosting CCH online and in-person Centering Prayer meeting times.
+ Flower Ministry
Serves weekly by preparing flowers for the sanctuary and our weekly worship services.
+ Technology Support
Volunteers can assist with running controls for lighting, audio or video for the main service, special offerings and online retreats.
+ Contemplative Response Team
Meets monthly for prayer, fellowship, and prepare for responding to care needs in our church community.
+ Children's Ministry
Sundays at 10:00am CT
Sunday mornings at 10:00am our children’s ministry gathers in the Fellowship Hall. Our program uses the Godly Play method for toddler’s through 5th grade. We also provide nursery care for infants.
+ Youth Ministry
Sundays at 10:00am CT
Sunday mornings at 10:00am our youth, grades 6th through 12th gather as pre-teens and teens, for contemplative prayer, chanting and application of the scriptures to daily life.

For further information on any of these ministries, please contact the church at 512.347.9673