
The fulfillment of the Christian Way calls on us to enter into an active love relationship with God and our fellow man.  Our community is a place where those who feel this call may choose to enter into a supportive learning environment with others in form of the spiritual journey.

Membership makes few outer demands on us.  It simply calls us to relationship.  The demands are all personal and interior, and for that reason they are difficult.  No visible rules require us to perform to any outer standard.  The overall quality of the community is the sum of what each member adds to it.  It is the intentional creation of its living parts, whose combined attention shapes its character and Spirit.

Membership in the Church is a declaration of intentional relationship to the Divine Mystery that is God and to God’s creation, the human family.  It is a formal expression of a personal hunger to practice and grow in this relationship and to live in deeper communion with God and all humankind every day.  Each member of the Church shall endeavor to live in accordance with principles of Truth as taught by Jesus Christ and shall further the work of this Church and ministry through his or her active interest, sincerity, devotion, goodwill, prayer, service, time, effort, attention, financial support, love and affection.

If interested in pursuing formal membership, contact the church office for a list of preparation classes and recommended books to read. New member induction is held in the fall each year.