Oblate Program

Oblate Program

An Oblate of The Church of Conscious Harmony, consents to journey deeper into Christ, what theologians call Theosis, what Jesus called “abiding with him,” and what St. Paul called “union with Christ” or “putting on the mind of Christ.” Participation as an Oblate is a declaration of intentional relationship to the Divine Mystery that is God and to all creation. To become an Oblate, a vow is taken, renewable each February. The vow is born of a personal hunger and commitment for transformation into Christ and a wish to live a committed life in service of this aim. In making their vow, Oblates commit themselves to God and to living the Oblate Rule of Life so to actively participate in the spiritual journey while engaging the transformative process as “monks in the world.” Oblates participate in The Journey School programs by receiving the weekly email and participating in a Journey Group, (with the option of having a Work Partner and participating in the Gurdjieff Movements). The vow is to God alone, yet lived out through and with the Church community.

The Oblate Rule of Life

  1. Twice daily Centering Prayer practice: A twice-daily practice of 20-30 minutes of Centering Prayer is the foundational and essential practice for consenting to God’s love, presence and action.
  2. Daily reading of Scripture: Reading Scripture in the manner of Lectio Divina is a foundational daily  practice. Using a daily liturgical reader, such as Give Us This Day or Magnificat is suggested.
  3. Daily study and application of the ideas of the Work of Inner Christianity: Ordinarily, this will mean reading a selection from Maurice Nicoll’s Commentaries. However, there are many other resources from enriching Work teachers such as G. I. Gurdjieff, P.D. Ouspensky, J. G. Bennett, Beryl Pogson, Jeanne de Salzmann, et al.
  4. Daily conscious movement (e.g., tai chi, yoga, walking): As incarnated beings, love of God with our whole being must incorporate our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. Care and movement of the body are a means of being fully human and integrating the energetic movement that can arise in the body through contemplative practices.
  5. Weekly immersion in a Eucharistic devotional service: The Eucharist provides an opportunity to see ordinary matter in an extraordinary way, inviting us to perceive the mystery of Christ everywhere and in everything. It is an unbroken transmission of God’s love for us and Presence within all creation. Oblates can participate in Eucharistic worship at The Church of Conscious Harmony on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings. Those who are traveling or live out of town are encouraged to partake in a local Eucharistic service or the Church’s online offerings.
  6. Sacred service for the Church community: Sacred service to the community and one another is an expression of love for God and one another. Oblates are expected to participate in an area of service such as Sunday seva, Youth Educational Services (YES), the daily Centering Prayer service team, audio/video team, committee work, et al.
  7. Commitment to attend a multi-day Centering Prayer retreat annually: Extended time away from the demands of day-to-day life in the silence with others is a foundational experience in the contemplative life. Oblates are encouraged to attend a 10-day retreat, but any multi-day Centering Prayer retreat will open us to receiving untold gifts of spiritual and psychological enrichment.
  8. Attendance at the annual weekend Oblate retreat: The annual Oblate retreat provides time away for inspiration and community building. Typically, the retreat will begin on Friday evening and conclude by 3:00pm Saturday. For 2025, the retreat will be held October 31-November 1.
  9. Meeting with the Abbess at least annually: We recognize the value in maintaining contact and opening ourselves in vulnerability to how we’re doing with the Rule of Life and the spiritual journey.
  10. Tithing: We give freely and receive joyfully. Tithing is an expression of valuation, gratitude and reciprocal maintenance for the spiritual sources which feed us. The practice of tithing brings God into our relationship with money, and through it, we acknowledge in faith that God is the true source of our supply. Historically, the word “tithe” meant a tenth. Today, we understand the amount of tithing to be a spiritual practice between ourselves and God. For some, this might mean a tenth of their income.

For questions about the Oblate program, contact the Abbess, tjs@consciousharmony.org

The Oblate Circle-of-Devotion

A Circle of Devotion Oblate of The Church of Conscious Harmony consents to journey deeper into Christ, what theologians call Theosis, or simply, Love. Participation is a declaration of intentional relationship to the Divine Mystery that is God and to all creation. A Circle of Devotion Oblate is ordinarily a community elder who has been practicing silent contemplative prayer for many years and wishes to move deeper into the stillness and simplicity of silence and prayer, perhaps in expanded solitude.

A Circle of Devotion Oblate commits oneself totally to God and to living a personalized expression of the Oblate Rule of Life, tailored to their own choosing, as directed by the Holy Spirit and supportive to their life state and stage. Their work is prayer: prayer for the community, with an ethic of accompaniment; keeping vigil for the world, in solidarity with the suffering; abiding in peace, surrendered to God, freely giving and receiving love. The intention of a Circle of Devotion Oblate is to affirm that the spiritual journey leads many to a deep interior quiet, where all of life becomes prayer and prayer becomes life in self-emptying love for all and everything.

A Circle of Devotion Oblate participates and blesses the community through their Being and prayer. Commitments may be discerned in conversion with the Abbess. Please send your inquiry to tjs@consciousharmony.org.


+ What is an Oblate of The Church of Conscious Harmony?
An Oblate of The Church of Conscious Harmony consents to journey deeper into Christ, what theologians call Theosis, what Jesus called “abiding with him,” and what St. Paul called “union with Christ” or “putting on the mind of Christ.” Participation as an Oblate is a declaration of intentional relationship to the Divine Mystery that is God and to all creation. Oblates participate in The Journey School and in addition take a vow to live by the Oblate Rule of Life.
+ How does one become an Oblate of The Church of Conscious Harmony?
To become a CCH Oblate, a vow is taken, renewable each February. The vow is born of a personal hunger and commitment for transformation into Christ and a wish to live a committed life in service of this aim. The vow is to God alone, yet lived out through and with The Church of Conscious Harmony community. With the annual vow, CCH Oblates commit to God and to the Oblate Rule of Life so to actively participate in the spiritual journey while engaging the transformative process as “monks in the world.”
+ I live out of town and do not feel comfortable attending a Eucharistic worship service in my local community. Can I still be a CCH Oblate?
You may participate in the Church’s Eucharistic services on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM CT online.
+ I don’t live in Austin. Can I be a CCH Oblate?
Yes. As an out-of-town Oblate, the Abbess will be your primary point of contact. The Abbess can also help you discern your service to the Church community, a component of your Rule of Life. Please email tjs@consciousharmony.org for consultation in your discernment process, if desired.
+ Do I have to agree to live all 10 of the practices to be a CCH Oblate?

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