Journey Groups
Journey Groups
The group is a special condition for exchange and a kid of conduit for higher influences (Jeanne de Salzmann).
The Journey Group represents the second line of Work, which is Work with other people…
Journey Groups offer a weekly, small group setting, to form an intentional container devoted to greater understanding and embodiment of Work principles and the contemplative life aimed at transformation in Christ; this intentional container builds an accumulator of transformational energy for all participants to draw from…
Journey Groups provide a space for practical Work while in relationship with others:
- in applying the ideas and practices of The Journey School weekly emails to our daily lives;
- in supporting one another in our Centering Prayer practice;
- in making and keeping our aims;
- in practicing self-observation, non-identification and Self-remembering in the moment;
- in learning and using Work language, in making three-centered observations;
- in practicing external considering;
- in opening to the unknown, to new possibilities of conscious exchange;
- in Remembering on behalf of others who are identified.
- to practice the Law of Three, where the ideas of the Work of Inner Christianity and contemplative Christianity are used as the Holy-Reconciling (third force) energy to the events and challenging times of daily life.
- to remember and experience the joy, love and kindness of conscious human connection.
Participation in a Journey Group takes time, discipline and effort. It is not a casual commitment. It is a sacred container of intention and higher influences. The inner journey is a call from magnetic center to fully engage with the Work ideas. You are encouraged to discern your personal, work and travel schedule prior to signing up. Your presence is important and if you expect to miss more than 3-4 times during the year, expect to work on a solution with your Facilitator.
Some of the key ways we prepare for our group include:
- Engaging with the email and practices.
- Attending the Thursday class or viewing the recording before group.
- Click on linked Work terms in the email and read about them in the Journey School Glossary, which is found under The Journey School tab on the CCH website.
- If struggling, embrace a single idea that seems to be calling you; don’t worry about grasping every idea presented.
We arrive on time and we expect to end on time. In the case of an absence (planned or otherwise), we send a message ahead of time to everyone in the group notifying them of the absence along with a report to the group regarding our work and engagement with the email Practices for that week.
Journey Groups are a place of intimacy and the building of community. Ultimately, participants look upon the experience with deep gratitude for the intimacy and exchange happening in their groups.
In its highest form, the group is a co-creation that blends the unique contributions of participants and the facilitator (who is also a participant) into a living manifestation of transformative, conscious love. A rare and precious gift.
Group size is limited and is filled on a first to register basis. Registration for joining a Journey Group is held in January. Journey Groups will generally begin meeting the first week of February and conclude the first week of December. To download a copy of these Participant Guidelines and Resources click HERE.
We abide in gratitude for this Work, for our time together, that there are others who have Aim, Wish, and are willing to work. This is a rare and precious gift known by few, a vessel of possibility for the unfolding of deep, conscious love.
If you are new to Journey Groups, or have less than one year of experience, please click here to register.
If you have previously participated in a Journey Group for one or more years, please click here to register.
- Being part of the group requires a level of mutual trust. Authentic sharing encourages meaning and depth but may be sensitive and private. To honor our sacred container and each other, we keep the sharing in the group confidential.
- We need to be wholly present and take our turn to speak, to have reflected on, engaged with and be ready to share how the week’s practices or other Work aims have impacted our lives, omitting “story” except to give context.
- We refrain from teaching or playing the teacher role. We do not give advice, counsel, analyze, unpack, fix, give answers | suggestions, process or probe another’s sharing.
- We refrain from commenting while others share. This includes interrupting, criticizing, questioning, providing feedback or expressing our opinion.
- We share three-centered observations about our personal experiences using Work language, not just talking about the themes or concepts presented in the emails or our ideas about the homework or teachings. We work to speak of a direct experience with them.
- We generally share in this basic manner: this happened, this was my response, this is what I observed (non-critically). Try to be brief, succinct and to the point without story or elaboration. Sharing is a learned art, and we learn from practice and experience.
- We are receptive to the Facilitator’s and perhaps another’s invitation/ encouragement to frame our sharing using Work ideas and language.
- We practice deep contemplative listening with directed attention. When a member shares, the group listens and receives what has been shared with respect and honor. We co-create a welcoming environment. We leave judgment and criticism at the door. We recognize every person has something valuable to bring forth to the group.
- We are here to work on ourselves. This is an opportunity to become aware of our mechanical ways of taking in and digesting impressions and to practice elevating our level of consciousness.
- We observe our reactions. We notice our judgments, associations, the urge to interrupt, the preparation of “a response.” Then we non-identify and Self-remember.
- We assure that our sharing is not disproportionately long, nor do we wait to the last minute to share. If we are regularly one of the first to speak, or the last to speak, we are invited to work against our mechanical behavior.
- We gather to care and to work in the moment, not to fix or remove pain. We may offer our heartfelt response to someone’s vulnerability with a gesture, or acknowledgment during our own share. We pray for others who seem to be in crisis. God does the healing.
- If we are in the field of professional counseling | therapy | coaching, it is not appropriate at any time to offer our services to other members of the group.
- If you have concerns or questions with your Journey Group Facilitator or other group members, or if a troubling dynamic or reactivity emerges and you have not been able to reach a resolution, you may reach out for additional support by sending a concise, confidential email to
- We agree to participate in conversations (outside of regular meetings) when additional 2nd Line Work is warranted.
- Ideally, we use a device where we can see all the member images at once.
- Generally, we mute our mics when there is possible disruptive background noise and during Centering Prayer.
- Be as present in the zoom room as you would if you were in person - including having video on.
- The Zoom link will be provided.
- Work out any technical details with your Facilitator.
- When a Commentary or other resource is referenced in the weekly email, go and read the whole resource.
- Consider studying the weekly email in the manner of lectio or visio divina and Work with what is speaking to you.
- Keep a notebook to write down your explorations from engaging with the weekly teachings and our Work together.
- Remember that not all Work is happening on a conscious level. Persevere. Enjoy.
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