October 27, 2023 - October 28, 2023
Welcoming Prayer Online Workshop
7:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Here I am. I come to do your will.
– Hebrews 10:9
The Welcoming Prayer is an incarnational method of consenting to God’s presence and action in the physical and emotional reactions arising in daily life. This “consent-on-the-go” embodied practice deepens our relationship with God as we move through the ordinary activities of our day, helping us to stay in the presence of God and the present moment.
This workshop will cover the human condition and the basics of the practice. There will be guided practice sessions as well as time in Centering Prayer. It is very helpful to purchase the “Welcoming Prayer: Consent on the Go” 40-day praxis booklet from Contemplative Outreach to support your practice after the workshop. It is available in either a hardcopy booklet for $35 or a digital PDF for $10.
The retreat will begin Friday evening at 7:00pm Central (Dallas) Time, recess at 8:30pm and resume at 9:00am Saturday and conclude by noon Central (Dallas) Time. Pamela Begeman will be the workshop facilitator. Once you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom link and other information for the workshop. Please look for the email and save it.
Registration has closed.
7:00 pm - 12:00 pm