April 13, 2024
Sacred Sounds Retreat
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
7406 Newhall Lane
Austin, TX 78746 United States
Led by Billie Woods, CCH Music Director: Please join us at The Church of Conscious Harmony for a day of conscious listening and healing through sound, along with periods of Centering Prayer. Soup, salad & bread lunch provided. We will engage in practices that invite personal healing through the use of our own voices, listening to ancient sounds of Tibetan singing bowls, and resting in silence and solitude. We wish to acknowledge, and perhaps even welcome what weighs heaviest on our hearts at this moment in time. We ask for our personal healing and offer it all up in prayer to the benefit of all sentient beings, and to ease the suffering of our Common Father. Registration spaces are limited.
For maximum healing experience, contact with the floor is recommended, either by sitting or lying down on the floor. You are encouraged to bring a yoga mat, blanket and cushions. A list of suggested items to bring will be included in the registration confirmation email.
Registration for this retreat is closed. Please check the Church website for the next retreat.
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
7406 Newhall Lane
Austin, TX 78746 United States