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April 9

Personal Retreat Day

April 9
7:00 am - 7:00 pm

Treat yourself to a personal retreat day at CCH. This will be a self-guided retreat. You are welcome to participate in the following offerings as you like:
7:00am        Centering Prayer in Theosis chapel
7:40am        Eucharist in the Sacristy
8:00am        Continental Breakfast (Fellowship Hall)
9:00am        Guided Contemplation in Nature
12:00pm       Contemplative lunch (Fellowship Hall)
4:30pm        Prayerful Movement (Fellowship Hall)
6:00pm        Contemplative Service (Sanctuary)
7:00pm        Departure

In addition, you are invited to register for the 3-day Commuter Retreat that runs Thursday-Saturday, giving yourself a 4-day retreat. There is a separate registration for the 3-day retreat.

Centering Prayer Personal Retreat Day

    All donations will go to the Centering Prayer Scholarship fund and are joyfully received. A donation is not required to participate.
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