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September 28

Introduction to Centering Prayer Class

September 28
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Learn the basics for beginning a Centering Prayer daily practice, using the Contemplative Outreach course based on Fr. Thomas Keating’s book, “Open Mind, Open Heart”. Class will be offered in person at CCH on Saturday, Sep 28 from 8:30am-12:30pm. Doors open at 8:00am. It will also include 4 consecutive Monday night online follow-up meetings from 7:00-8:30pm beginning Sep 30. All are welcome to register. Following the Introduction to Centering Prayer Class you are welcome and encouraged to stay and participate in the afternoon portion of the 1-day Centering Prayer Retreat that will be happening concurrent with the Introduction to Centering Prayer Class. Bring a brown bag lunch if planning to stay for the retreat. The retreat ends at 4pm. There is no cost to attend the retreat. Beverage and snacks will be provided.

Registration is closed.