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January 8, 2025 - January 29, 2025

Art of Moving Meditation

January 8, 2025 - January 29, 2025

Please join us for a special enrichment titled the “Art of Moving Meditation”. The 4-class session offers an introduction into the beauty and balance of directed motion, designed to integrate body, mind, and spirit. Beginning aspects of Qi Gong breathing and moving practices, along with basic concise movement forms from the Ip Seon tradition of Tai Chi are the foundations for this enrichment. Led by Scott Taylor. Scott is an enthusiastic CCH member and children’s Godly Play teacher for 12 years. He has practiced Ip Seon temple-style Tai Chi and Qi Gong for 25 years, and a certified instructor for 20 years. Each session starts and ends with the same routines, for all to benefit from repetition. In between are various stretching, breathing, Qi Gong, and Ip Seon forms, with traditional format and etiquette. These will be presented in a way to accommodate all participant levels of balance and stamina. Held in the fellowship hall on Wednesdays 7-8pm, Jan 8-29.

Art of Moving Meditation - Enrichment

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  • If you would like to make an optional donation to support the Centering Prayer Scholarship Fund, please enter the amount and it will be added to your registration payment. Thank you for your generous donation.
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