
Growing Awareness Through Daily Practice, Study & Devotion

Our aim is to provide the focus, teachings and community support required for individuals to grow in self-awareness.

From the illusion of separation, in to the fully enlightened experience of conscious union with the Living God.

Contemplative Christianity is a way of life, supporting an ongoing relationship with the Beloved.


Consent, surrender, silence, solitude.

A contemplative Christian knows and experiences the Indwelling Presence and seeks to “rest in God” in prayer and in life. Contemplation is a pure gift from God, something revealed through consent, surrender, silence and solitude, the fruits of which manifest in ordinary life.

We are connected with a worldwide contemplative community through Contemplative Outreach.

Values & Beliefs

Transformation is only possible through the power and grace of the Holy Spirit.

Learn about our teachings, fundamental beliefs and practices of The Eucharist and Baptism.

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Service Opportunities

There are many ways to get involved.

CCH provides service opportunities and resources for teens and adults.

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New member induction is held in the fall each year.

Membership in The Church of Conscious Harmony is a declaration of intentional relationship to the Divine Mystery that is God and to God's creation, the human family.

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Our Name

We live in a universe that is balanced and lawful.

Consciousness of these laws and our relationship to creation enable us to live in harmony. Conscious Harmony means to align our lives with God’s purpose for human existence, to live a spiritually balanced, happy, and abundant life. It is with this knowledge and intention that the church was named.

Our Emblem

The Mark is an ancient Trinitarian symbol sometimes referred to as The Eye of God.

The outer circle represents God. The inner circle represents God at a person’s center. The Mark symbolizes the fact that we are in God and God is in us. Human beings and God are related through the Trinity by the presence of the Holy Spirit, which is Love.

A contemplative Christian community of practice and transformation with:


Guided by the Spirit and rooted in love

  • Prayerful stewardship
  • Conscious intention
  • Gracious hospitality
  • Selfless participation

“The invitation we are consenting to is to become fully human and fully divine, in the Way of Christ.”